Coaching for Surgeons
...helping surgeons succeed in the OR, office, and life
Learn to Lead

Modern medicine is practiced in teams of physicians, nurses, mid-levels, support and administrative staff. All surgical teams need a leader and in many cases the team leader in medicine is a surgeon. Even in a small, private office the physician is considered the team-leader. Unfortunately many surgeons lack the temperament or training to organize and manage effective healthcare teams.
As the teamleader, the surgeon needs skills in communication, people management and an understanding of how teams work. In addition, they need a heightened awareness of social interactions and highly developed emotional intelligence skills. Most physicians promoted to executive positions do not have the background and skills needed to build teams and lead groups. Whenyou need to advance your surgical career, executive coaching is a useful tool.Coaching for Physicians is here to help you develop the skills you need.
The survival of the medical profession as we know it, requires the development of leadership skills not only for physician executives but for all physicians, even those in a one person office. Times are changing and surgeons can choose to develop these skills and lead, or someone else will lead them. Coaching for Physicians is here to help you become the leader you need to be.
REFERENCES & COMMENTS: "As a surgeon who is clinically busy and also involved in medical group/hospital leadership, I realized that having a coach is very important for developing “the soft skills” one needs to be successful in these roles. I have never had any training in these skills and finding a coach like Patrick was fabulous. Dr. Hudson has been a great resource to me and his wealth of knowledge is second to none. Our sessions have been spot on and he has provided me crucial information and readings that have shaped my leadership skills. He has become a great part of my career growth…” Vascular Surgeon/California