Coaching for Surgeons
...helping surgeons succeed in the OR, office, and life
Patrick Hudson

Patrick Hudson MD is a board certified plastic surgeon and board certified coach helping surgeons develop the skills they need to succeed in modern medicine. He is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and a Fellow of the National Anger Management Association. In addition to his medical degrees, Dr. Hudson holds advanced degrees in Mental Health Counseling, Medical Ethics & Liberal Arts.
Dr. Hudson has been helping individual ssurgeons and healthcare organizations for over a decade. Only a surgeon can fully understand the life of a surgeon and Dr. Hudson specializes in personalized, intensive coaching for surgeons at our location or yours. Dr. Hudson does not practice psychotherapy, counseling or psychiatry and works exclusively as a coach.
REFERENCES & COMMENTS: I would like to write a strong letter of recommendation for the coaching I have received from Dr. Patrick Hudson…As a surgeon who is clinically busy and also involved in medical group/hospital leadership, I realized that having a coach is very important for developing “the soft skills” one needs to be successful in these roles. I have never had any training in these skills and finding a coach like Patrick was fabulous. Dr. Hudson has been a great resource to me and his wealth of knowledge is second to none. Our sessions have been spot on and he has provided me crucial information and readings that have shaped my leadership skills. He has become a great part of my career growth and comfort with my planning…As a surgical specialist, Dr. Hudson’s availability, communication and professionalism match my expectations of a coach. He is a great communicator and fabulous listener who has a great knowledge about the medical challenges…leaders face…I highly recommend Dr. Hudson as a coach for physicians without any hesitation. He is truly gifted in his knowledge and skills and will be a great resource to any physician leader or clinical doctor looking to expand their skills.” Vascular Surgeon/California